Add A Business To Yahoo Business Directory

Enhance Your Local Visibility with Our Professional Citation Service

Comprehensive Local Business Citation Service

Maximize your business’s visibility in local search results with our Done-For-You Local Business Citation Service. This service ensures your business information is consistently mentioned across various website directories and other web properties, which are essential trust signals for search engines like Google. Accurate and consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) citations are crucial for improving your local SEO and helping your business rank higher in search results.

Our service is strictly submission-based, complete with a detailed submission report. We create a new email address for each citation submission to ensure organization and professionalism. Limited to 100 citations per business address, we provide all necessary login information for each business citation to maintain transparency and control.

Leverage Yahoo Business Directory Listings for Enhanced Marketing

Utilize Yahoo’s Business Listings for Increased Exposure

In today’s digital landscape, small businesses must utilize every available tool in their Internet marketing arsenal, and a Yahoo business listing is a potent tool for gaining visibility online. Yahoo offers two types of business listings: a free basic option and a paid enhanced listing, catering to different business needs and budgets.

Options and Benefits of Yahoo Listings

The free Yahoo account provides a basic listing, which includes your business name, phone number, address, hours, website link, a small photo, and a brief list of goods or services. This can serve as a foundational online presence for any small business.

The enhanced listing, available for $9.95 per month, includes all the features of the basic listing plus additional benefits such as up to 10 large photos, a detailed company description, and links to coupons and special offers. This premium option enhances your visibility and discoverability on Yahoo, making it more likely for potential customers to find your business.

Strategic Insights and Simple Management

An enhanced Yahoo listing not only increases exposure but also provides access to valuable analytics. These reports show how many people have viewed your listing and how many have clicked on it, offering insights into the effectiveness of your online presence. For businesses evaluating the impact of their investment, these statistics can be instrumental in decision-making.

Why Consider Yahoo for Your Business?

While a Yahoo listing might not replace a high Google ranking or a dynamic Yelp profile, it offers a straightforward, cost-effective way to expand your online reach. Unlike Google Places and AdWords, managing a Yahoo listing is relatively simple, with no keywords bidding involved. Whether opting for the free basic listing to start or the enhanced listing for greater benefits, Yahoo provides an accessible platform to attract new customers.

Combining our Local Business Citation Service with a strategic Yahoo business listing can significantly boost your local search rankings and overall online visibility, drawing more customers to your business in a competitive digital market.