AdWords Management

Advertise Locally or Globally.

Whether you’re looking to get the phones ringing, generate online sales, or keep customers coming back for more, we can help!

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[accordions] [accordion title=”Business Evaluation”] Our success is tied to your success. Gone are the days of interruption marketing. Our passion is helping businesses grow by reaching the right people at the right time. It’s crucial, that, prior to hiring a digital marketing agency, you discuss your business goals in detail, past and current state, things that worked and didn’t. It’s important not to hold back information, the more you give the more you’ll get back in terms of insights. [/accordion] [accordion title=”SWOT Analysis & Research”] Prior to building your digital marketing strategy, a SWOT Matrix: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis is conducted, (at your office or via Google Hangouts). We will analyze your business processes, including your direct competitors’, to extract insights instrumental in developing an effective, digital marketing strategy for your business. [/accordion] [accordion title=”Keyword Selection”] Keyword research is a must, understanding the keyword/phrase intent is crucial! With a decade of experience, coupled with keyword analysis and testing systems, we find the keywords/phrases that will bring the most profit to your business and, of course, exclude the ones that don’t. [/accordion] [accordion title=”Ad-Group & Ad-Text”] Keyword level Ad-Group creation with super relevant Ad-Text is a must. We don’t stop there, with people at different buying stages and personas, we deploy A/B and Multi-Variant tests to find the best performing Ad-Text, in terms of QS, CTR, CPC, Conversions & More. [/accordion] [accordion title=”Bid Management”] Manual bid management is not an option when you are running thusands of campaigns, ad-groups and keywords. We are comfortable using Kenshoo, Acquisio, Marin & DoubleClick Search V3. We also like to create and deploy our own custom AdWords scripts for Bid Management & Automation, via the AdWords API.  [/accordion][accordion title=”Negative Keyword Management”] When using board (even with modifiers) & phrase match keywords/phrases, having a solid negative keyword list is a requirement. We have systems in place that actively looks into each incoming search term(s) to pin-point irrelevant keywords and proactively block them from future search queries.  [/accordion] [accordion title=”Campaign Type”] Depending on your business goals, we can build and manage various types of digital marketing & advertising campaigns, such as: Google Search, Display, Remarketing/Retargeting, Google Shopping, YouTube TrueView, Calls Only/Mobile & App Installations.  [/accordion] [accordion title=”Custom Dashboards & Reports”] We create custom dashboards and reports based on your campaigns KPI’s and if that’s not enough, we can create custom reports to meet each stakeholder’s requirements. [/accordion] [/accordions]
